Laundry-LineIf you’ve visited an Amish community, you’ve most likely seen the graceful clotheslines, sometimes stretching up into the trees. I find Amish laundry drying in the breeze a beautiful sight.

The women of the house have their hands full keeping up with the mounting soiled sheets, towels, and clothes. Amish men maintain their farms, do carpentry-type work or manual trades, and Amish households average 6 to 7 children-many 8 to 10 or more. Yet Amish housewives manage beautifully without being connected to the grid of electricity.

Amish homemakers sometimes have a scheduled laundry day, often on Monday. Never Sundays. Amish don’t do housework or chores other than crucial ones such as milking and feeding livestock on Sundays. Saturdays are often spent getting ready for church: washing buggies, preparing food, or cleaning a home.


Many Amish housewives use classic Maytag-brand wringer washers, once popular decades ago with non-Amish. Most Amish power their washing machines with a diesel generator or a pneumatic (air) motor. An innovative example of how Amish compromise without electricity. I’m not sure I’d want to use one of these types of washers, personally. I’d also be concerned if it stopped working! I know if my washing machine breaks that I can find a company to come and fix it (search online for “appliance repair san francisco” or wherever you live to find a local company who offers these services), furthermore it’s easy for me at home because this repair service comes automatically due to me having home warranty plan with a company like First American (, but I doubt they’d know how to fix a wringer washer!

Adding to the Amish housewife’s workload is the lack of mechanical dryers, although some Amish use spinners to spin water out of the clothes to make the drying process go faster. The Amish use the traditional method of hanging clothes out to dry, even in the winter.

Nearly all Amish yards have a clothesline. Some are typical “T” clotheslines that hang clothes at eye-level. Another Amish innovation is the spool that allows a long line of laundry to be strung from one spot near the home to a second point high up in a tree or on the side of a barn. The Amish housewife turns the crank to bring the double-lined clothesline in and out. This way, many clothes can be hung without tying up precious space on the lawn.

Amish-Laundry-TowelsRainy days prevent hanging clothes outside. Some Amish hang small batches of clothes underneath overhangs, in enclosed porches, or basements during inclement weather. I thought about this often last winter when the frigid winter dragged on. They hang their wash year-round, although occasionally Amish have been spotted in Laundromats. If someone in the Amish community did want to try and introduce some new appliances that can be found at laundromats into their communities, they could always try rental washers and dryers to see if they like them without having to commit to buying new appliances without trying them first.

Did your mother or grandmother use a wringer washing machine? Mine in CT hung onto hers many years and gave me demonstrations, cautioning me to watch my fingers. Using a modern washing machine with a spin cycle is a breeze in comparison. My friend told me the best washing machines in India are usually front loading which is pretty interesting. I prefer my wringer washer though, it’s really simple to use!

When I see laundry hanging, I often think of my dearly departed aunt. She and my uncle lived in a NYC suburb where fences were not permitted. My aunt erected a clothesline in their backyard, where it stood for decades. When new neighbors moved into the home behind theirs, they were appalled to see laundry hanging out in the fresh air to dry. And they made their opinions be known; they put up quite a ruckus. But my aunt, petite and feisty, would not be daunted.

How about you? Do you enjoy seeing laundry on the line? Do you think you could manage the task? Excluding chocolate-chip cookies fresh from the oven, is there a sweeter aroma than sun-dried sheets?

Leave a comment and enter to win one novel from the Legacy of Lancaster Trilogy: Leaving Lancaster, Pennsylvania Patchwork, or Forever Amish! THREE winners will receive the novel of their choice! I’ll announce the winners here next week, and I’ll email them. Winners have one week to respond. USA and Canada.

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Also congratulations to Elizabeth D., a second-drawing winner due to a non-response from my last drawing for a copy of one of my 3 Amish books.
