
Read Kate Lloyd’s archived newsletters. Share them with your friends! And don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter, delivered directly to your in-box, to keep up-to-date with Kate, her books, and her monthly giveaways.
March 2023
Research & Writing Giveaway
As an author I am aware of the research that is required in writing a novel. If details are incorrect the whole premise falls flat. How to weave the facts into an intriguing story and engage your reader is a challenge of upmost importance.
February 2023
Love your Pet Giveaway
February is a month that has a celebration for just about anyone. For sports fans, there’s the Super Bowl. For party-goers, there’s Mardi Gras. For foodies there’s National Pizza Day – and National Chili Day for good measure. For the health-conscious, it’s National Heart Month. For the history buffs, it’s Black History Month, as well as Iwo Jima Day and Presidents Day.
And of course, there’s Valentine’s Day. But there’s also Random Acts of Kindness Day and, one of my favorites, National Love Your Pet Day.
January 2023
January Self Care and Giveaway
As a child, January always seemed like a bit of a let down. After weeks of build-up to Christmas, the big day itself finally arrived, stuffed full of opening presents, wonderful meals, and family get-togethers and games of Crazy-Eights and Monopoly. Of course, thank-you notes had to be written, but the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve was a wonderful time.
December 2022
Holiday Traditions Giveaway
I am an early riser and truly enjoy the quiet start to my days that allows me to journal and write before a multitude of tasks fill up my day. I don’t suffer from SAD but the dark mornings do seem to sap my energy at times. Thankfully there are a number of holiday traditions that buoy me up.
November 2022
Thanskgivings Giveaway
One of many reasons I love my dog, Piper is that she gets me out of the house as we go on our daily walks. This morning, as we were out and about, I was running through my list of things I needed to do to get ready for Thanksgiving, and realized that Thanksgiving just made me happy.
October 2022
Feelings of Fall Giveaway
I absolutely love Fall! It’s the setting of several of my novels, including my latest, A Lancaster Family Secret. Ignoring the scary Halloween décor that intrigues Piper, I see so many cute Autumn decorations as we walk in the mornings. Not to mention all the lovely displays in store windows and even at the grocery store.
September 2022
Change of Seasons Giveaway
Walking Piper this last week or so, I’m noticing the leaves are just starting to change color. With the first day of autumn being Sept. 22, I shouldn’t be surprised, but it seems as though summer has gone by in a blur.!
August 2022
Surprise Giveaway
I have a surprise give away! One signed copy of A Lancaster Family Secret plus bookmarks, or an e-book if the winner prefers!
July 2022
Writing Pains
When my new book A Lancaster Family Secret released it felt like giving birth. Well, maybe not that painful, but I couldn’t do it on my own. Now that I’m getting reviews, the whole writing process is so worth it! I hope all of my readers enjoy A Lancaster Family Secret.
A Lancaster Family Secret Early Release!
I enjoy spending time interacting with my readers on FaceBook and Instagram. The other day, Bev D. commented “I’ve preordered the eBook and I’m looking forward to reading it the day that it comes out. I love your books and characters.” As an author, that’s such a wonderful thing to hear. And best of all, no one has to wait any longer.
Cover Reveal, Release Date and Books on Sale!
I’m so happy to get to share this new cover and book with you! After months and months of writing, editing and occasional hair-pulling-out, my latest book, A Lancaster Family Secret releases August 9!
June 2022
First Day of Summer Giveaway!
Sipping my coffee this morning I could hear the rain drizzling down. Piper hates walking in the rain. So I opened my laptop to the local weather station and peeked at the hourly forecast to see it was 47 degrees with a high of 64! What happened to springtime in the Puget Sound area? Watching the weather forecast on TV for the rest of the country I saw that much of it was intolerably high. Air conditioning material.
The Latest from Kate
As many of you may know, it’s been a chilly, damp spring here in the Pacific Northwest. The weather has made it a bit easier to stay focused on the final editing and cover art of my latest book, set in Lancaster County, when a young woman discovers her life has been built on a lie.
May 2022
The Colorful Month of May giveaway
To my mind, May is a colorful and celebratory month. After a chilly and damp spring here in the Pacific Northwest, the days are getting longer and vibrant signs of spring are popping up everywhere. The rhododendrons, which are Washington’s state flower, are finally in bloom.
April 2022
Easter Season giveaway
Easter has always been a time of joyful exuberance, an explosion of traditions from around the world. The traditions might be religious, cultural, familial, personal or a mix of all four, but I’ve found that none of my friends and family celebrate Easter quite the same way.
March 2022
Spring is Around the Corner Giveaway!
As I left the optometrist a few days ago I was met with a lovely sight: Ravenna Gardens. I couldn’t help but stop to admire the lovely arrangements and blossoms. How did I manage to get out of there without purchasing anything? By reminding myself that it is too early to plant in our garden—I’ve made that mistake before. It’s in the upper 30s right now. Too cold for planting. But soon!
February 2022
A Valentine’s Day Dilemma Giveaway
Yesterday on our way home from the island my husband and I stopped at a drugstore. We each needed something and met back at the cash register. As we stood in line both of us could easily see an elaborate display of Valentine’s Day cards. Knowing that was just around the corner, we should have bought each other a card, but neither of us gave it a thought. However, once we were back in the car, I mentioned our blunder and attempted to strike a deal with him.
January 2022
January Facebook Giveaway
As I work on editing a new manuscript, I often think about what the new cover should look like. Honestly, I love all my book covers, but could use some input from you, my readers.
New Year, New Giveaway
Packing away my holiday decorations always gives me a sense of perspective and satisfaction. My tree ornaments have been acquired over the years, and each goes back into its own packaging. Some I’ve had since childhood, and some were favorites of my sons. I’ve kept the ornaments my husband and I found on our honeymoon: glass wreaths from Harrods in London. Each holds a memory and a connection to the many people I’ve been blessed to have in my life.
July 2020
Road Trip Giveaway
Road trips are a long-standing rite of passage here in the U.S. I drove all the way across the country in a VW Bug many years ago. Road trips are the rage again this summer. And with so many beautiful destinations and gas prices so low, it can be difficult to decide where to go.
Flash Book Sale
Both books in the Lancaster Discoveries series are on sale. Get an e-book copy of A Letter From Lancaster County or Starting From Scratch for less than a dollar! Prefer paper? The paperback edition of A Letter From Lancaster County is only $2.88.
June 2020
Victory Gardens Flourish
Have you heard of the term Victory Garden? Due to wartime government rationing during WWI and WWII, Americans were urged to plant in every patch of available soil. In 1944 an estimated 20 million Victory Gardens produced about 40 percent of the nation’s fresh vegetables. Impressive, don’t you agree?
May 2020
Merry Month of May
The month of May has arrived. Time to celebrate with a fun Giveaway! “April showers bring spring flowers” was my mantra last month. Now, a silly little song written in 1884 is looping through my mind. And yet I know this May will be like no other. But I expect our country will blossom and spring back to life again soon.
April 2020
Expanding During the Pandemic
In spite of the fact that I’m housebound and my physical world is shrinking, my vocabulary is expanding. Just a few weeks ago I barely knew what Pandemic meant, nor did I realize what Social Distancing was. My whole way of thinking has turned topsy-turvy.
March 2020
Spring in the Garden
I know spring is around the corner when I dash out the door every time the sun comes out. Especially since the weatherman said it’s supposed to rain this evening. I brought out a spring brimmed hat yesterday. Black to keep my head warm, which may be a myth. Because low 40s isn’t exactly balmy outside yet.
February 2020
Hearts & Flowers
It was so cold and dark yesterday morning it seemed like the year was going back in time to winter. In the afternoon I called my sister, who lives north of here. When her answering machine picked up my call, I figured she and her husband had gone out to lunch to a nice warm location. Imagine my surprise when she got back to me. They’d been working out in their garden planting a new vine maple and several grasses – in the pouring rain. “No need to water,” she told me. Well, that’s for sure!
January 2020
New Year’s Resolutions or Goals?
One week into 2020, how is the new year treating you? In some ways my year is getting off to a fabulous start. I’m sticking to my goals for the most part. For instance, first thing this morning I journaled to freshen up my mind and discard my worries. Then I worked on a new manuscript.
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December 2019
A Cute Giveaway and Some Oldies But Goodies
I’ve always loved oldies. When I was a girl, family outings often included a trip to the Goodwill or the Salvation Army. We all enjoyed rifling through the old blankets, teacups, and Christmas tree ornaments, some of which I still own.
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November 2019
A Giveaway and Gratitude
My husband and I took a fun trip to NYC several weeks ago, for which I am very grateful. I don’t know about you, but I still marvel that I can fly across this expansive country and gaze down upon the majestic mountains, rivers, and fields.
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October 2019
The Season of Comfort Food Giveaway
While I’ve enjoyed summer’s longer daylight hours and heat, there is something so cozy about Autumn and its changing leaves, as well as the chill outside and warmth inside. Here in the Northwest, temperatures have dipped and our mountains are accumulating snow.
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Facebook Chat
Please join Leslie Gould, Jan Drexler, and me for a chat on the Keeping up with the Amish group on Facebook. We’ll be discussing An Amish Christmas Kitchen and giving away 6 copies of the 3-novella book on Monday, September 30 at 8 PM – 9 PM EDT.
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September 2019
Never Too Early Giveaway
I will never grow weary of finding my postal carrier with a cardboard box from my publishing house in his strong arms. He’s kind and delivered those heavy books to our back door. An exciting moment for any author!
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August 2019
Big Plans for Summer Giveaway
Look what arrived in the mail today. An advance copy of An Amish Christmas Kitchen. Three novellas to warm your heart. Oh, yum, that cover makes me hungry! Read more
July 2019
4th of July Amish Giveaway
I hope you had fun celebrating July 4th! Too bad it was in the middle of the week. Hope some of you working folks got to take a long weekend to enjoy extra time with family, flags, and food. Read more
June 2019
An Unexpected Start to Summer
I like to think of myself as an optimistic person, although not a Pollyanna. When our oak tree was struck by lightning a few years ago and then recently deemed too dangerous to remain, my husband and I were stunned. We love that tree! What good could possibly emerge from this situation? Read more
May 2019
Mother’s Day Blues
Never heard of it? Neither had I until the term came to mind while finishing my morning walk. Mother’s Day can be a bittersweet holiday, especially for those who have lost their mother, are childless, or who have outlived their children, as several of my friends have. Read more
April 2019
Hurry Up and Wait – and a Giveaway
As I waited for my walking partner to appear this morning at 7 AM, I hoped the sky would brighten and the rain would hold off for an hour. Which it did. How do those weather forecasters get it right most of the time, and yet often miss the mark? Read more
March 2019
Ready for Spring Giveaway
This morning I watched the national weather report before meeting my walking partner and suddenly felt warmer. For today, anyway. This weekend we’ll switch to Daylight Savings Time. Yikes, springing forward means it will be pitch-dark again when we walk. Read more
February 2019
Valentine’s Day Giveaway
Everything I write has a thread of romance weaving through it. I can’t seem to stop myself, and why should I? When reading a book, whether it be contemporary fiction or Tolstoy, I enjoy the romantic threads and the anticipation of the happily-ever-after. Read more
January 2019
New Year Audio Book Giveaway
It’s a new year and I’m starting from scratch! Like it or not, I must now write 2019 on checks. I didn’t go out and party until midnight on December 31st, but I do feel a sense of excitement for the upcoming year. It’s going to be a great one. … Read more
December 7, 2018
A Christmas Giveaway
Wishing you all my best with a Giveaway! Please enter to win this beautiful Amish-made table topper and 3 Amish-made ornaments from Lancaster County, plus one signed book… Read more
November 8, 2018
Just back from New York, and a November Giveaway!
My husband and I are glad to be home after celebrating our 33rd anniversary in New York City. While enjoying to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Frick Collection, the Metropolitan Opera at the Lincoln Center and our favorite restaurant, La Grenouille, we might choose Lancaster County next time as the destination to celebrate our anniversary. We’ll move at a slower pace, enjoy the farmland smells, and relax. Read more
October 4, 2018
Autumn Giveaway and More!
Just cruising by to alert you to the new Giveaway on my blog, in case you haven’t heard. Wishing you the best of luck! Read more
September 25, 2018
Starting From Scratch eBook and Paperback Sale
Just popping in to let you know about the fabulous Starting from Scratch eBook $2.99 promotion at all your favorite online vendors! Not only that, Amazon continues to its discount of Starting from Scratch in paperback. Read more
September 2018
End of Summer Giveaway and More!
Hey, what happened to summer? It feels as if someone flipped a gigantic switch and we’re moving into fall. The temperatures have dipped, and nights are cooler. The Dog Days of summer are over, but our trees are still green. To those of you who are still roasting, or your land is parched, you have my sympathy. Autumn is approaching. Read more
June 2018
A Summer Giveaway!
While watching the national weather report, the oldie song “Summertime Blues” comes to mind. I wouldn’t mind a little bit more blue skies, but I got online to find there is indeed a summer syndrome much like winter’s SAD. The living may be easy for some, but others might be downright miserable and even depressed as they suffer through the humidity, blazing temperatures, and disrupted sleep. Not to mention having to wear shorts and swimsuits! Read more
March 2018
I can’t wait for my fabulous new giveaway that starts March 20th! The best ever!
February 2018
January 2018
What comes to mind when you hear the term Starting from Scratch? These days, is it the same as homemade? Read more
December 2017
During this festive season, a flurry of emotions whirl as we attempt to choose the ideal gift, or host a family gathering, or to create the perfect holiday. As much as we strive for nostalgic bliss like the song suggests, I recognize that often not all is merry & bright. But I want to concentrate on my blessings, like you. Read more
October 2017
I’m so excited to show you the new cover of Starting From Scratch, my second book in the Lancaster Discovery Series. Cute or what? I was asked by my publisher to keep the delightful cover under my hat until the first of the year, but when Amazon let the cat out of the bag, accepting pre-orders , I figured I would too. Release date is April 1, 2018. Read more
September 2017
Over Labor Day weekend, my husband and I spent the tranquil long weekend at the beach. No TV and no newspaper. Oh, my, when we got home and turned on the television set, dreadful news from around the country and world bombarded me. After twenty minutes, we decided to watch a rerun of Father Brown. Read more
July 2017
Thank you for your interest and encouragement in my writing. Without your support, writing wouldn’t be any fun at all. I guess, inside of each of us is a child who wants to please others and make new friends. At the beginning of my writing journey, I never thought I would consider my readers, Facebook friends and followers real friends, but I do and I’m in your debt. Read more
Celebrate the release of Kate’s new book by entering to win her Two Sisters, Two Winners Giveaway! Giveaway ends July 27. Read more
June 2017
The days of hurry-up-and-wait are over. A Letter from Lancaster County‘s official release date is July 1. To kick off the celebration, I’m giving away 10 signed copies of my book. Read more
March 2017
Are you as enthusiastic as I am to usher in a season bustling with change? As the fluctuating weather conditions either soothed or bombarded us, our poor oak tree beside the house was struck by lightning and still awaits its fate. Read more
December 2016
“We must have been spying on them,” I said to my sister as we recalled a Christmas Eve decades ago. Somehow, we’d known our parents were erecting a new dollhouse to give us the next morning. Our folks continued working late into the night, while we girls launched into bed before Santa arrived. Read more
September 2016
Last week, my dear 90-year-old mother-in-law said, “Time seems to be moving faster.” I agreed with her, because I’d noticed overnight our temperature had dropped and leaves were turning. I have savored each day of summer, but look forward to autumn’s splendor. Read more
June 2016
I’m delighted to announce the good news to those who haven’t heard! Harvest House, my new publishing house, gave me the go-ahead to officially tell you about my two new Amish novels set in glorious Lancaster County! The first book will release the fall of 2017 and the second in the winter of 2018. Read more
May 2016
Just popping in to let you know about a fabulous eBook special. Read more
March 2016
Are you as enthusiastic as I am to usher in a season bustling with change? As the fluctuating weather conditions either soothed or bombarded us, our poor oak tree beside the house was struck by lightning and still awaits its fate. We lost several electrical appliances and light bulbs, but fortunately I wasn’t in the shower at the time! Read more
Christmas 2015
“We must have been spying on them,” I said to my sister as we recalled a Christmas Eve decades ago. Somehow, we’d known our parents were erecting a new dollhouse to give us the next morning. Our folks continued working late into the night, while we girls launched into bed before Santa arrived. Read more
October 2015 – Trilogy on Sale
Don’t miss out on this fabulous sale! The Legacy of Lancaster Trilogy ebook collection, all 3 ebooks, are bundled into one for only $1.99 or less! Available at all major ebook retailers through October 27 only, then the price will sky-rocket to over $30.00. Order today! Read more
September 2015 – Upcoming Journey!
I hope you’re doing well as we usher in a new season!
I’m not sure I’m ready for summer to slump to a close. I resist change, but notice fun hints of fall: crispness in the morning air and a blush of crimson on the maples. Summer is shifting into fall attire, ushering in autumn. October is just around the corner, meaning a trip to Lancaster County, PA, floats in my future! Read more
August 2015
Just popping in to let you know about a fabulous eBook special starting today!
Leaving Lancaster eBook is FREE across ALL major retailers today & tomorrow only, then .99 cents from August 15-21, 2015! Read more
July 2015
Summer has arrived!
Promise not to laugh? We here in the Puget Sound had the warmest June in history. Average daytime temperature: a mere 78.8. The 90s barged in the last few weeks, hovering over the area and making people miserable. Having lived in CT and NJ, I find the 90s with low humidity comfortable. Especially since we just got our new AC installed. Imagine, we’ve lived in this home for 29+ years without it. My husband got the brilliant idea last month. Now, I’m spoiled. Read more
April 2015 – Creative Endeavors
I hope this note finds you having fun as springtime ambles toward summer.
Working on a new project? I encourage you in your creative endeavors, be they in your garden, kitchen, or sewing room. I admit I’m jealous of quilters. If there were forty-eight hours in the day, I’d try every craft. Read more
March 7, 2015
Just popping in to let you know about a fabulous eBook special! The Legacy of Lancaster Trilogy and A Portrait of Marguerite eBooks are on sale for one week only, starting 3-7-15! Read more
February 2015 – Spring’s Around the Corner?
I notice a smidgeon more light this morning! And a robin is chirping.
Have you seen the first signs of spring or are you still shoveling snow? I hope your pre-spring is off to a good start, be it cloudy or sunshiny, snowing or rainy. For those of you still shoveling snow, send it our way. A warm deluge of rain is melting our precious snowpack in the mountains, next year’s water for our yards. For those of you who are basking in sunshine, enjoy! I’ll try not to be jealous. Read more
January 2015 – Transitions
Can you believe it’s 2015? I’m ringing in the New Year with a quarterly newsletter, plus updates if needed. I enjoy reading emails from fellow authors and hope you feel the same way about receiving one from me. Read more