by KateLloyd | Jan 17, 2022 | giveaway, Winter
Please help me congratulate Janelle Sobjak, winner of the $100 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of one my books. Many thanks to all who...
by KateLloyd | Jan 10, 2022 | A Lancaster Family Christmas, giveaway, motivation, Winter, writing
Packing away my holiday decorations always gives me a sense of perspective and satisfaction. My tree ornaments have been acquired over the years, and each goes back into its own packaging. Some I’ve had since childhood, and some were favorites of my sons. I’ve kept...
by KateLloyd | Dec 13, 2021 | giveaway, Winter
Please help me congratulate Linda Ortiz, winner of the $100 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of one my books. Many thanks to all who...
by KateLloyd | Dec 7, 2021 | A Lancaster Family Christmas, Holidays, Winter
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. – Genesis 1:3 I have always considered myself an early riser so I can get my journaling and some writing done first thing before the clutter of the day takes over. But these dark mornings, especially...
by KateLloyd | Feb 16, 2021 | giveaway, photography, Winter
Please help me congratulate Rita Long, winner of the $100 Amazon gift card plus, a signed copy of either Stage Fright or From Rome With Love. Many thanks to all who entered. Kate’s Favorite Pics Seattle only gets a bit over 5 inches of snow a year, but Saturday...
by KateLloyd | Nov 10, 2020 | giveaway, Holidays, Winter
No matter what is happening, I try to stay thankful. Speaking of Thanksgiving … or was I just dreaming of turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy … I have much to be grateful for during the pandemic, even though my mother-in-law’s memorial service must be postponed...