Snowbound on Skye + A Giveaway!

Snowbound on Skye + A Giveaway!

Dear Friend, I’m thrilled to present Snowbound on Skye, my newest novel!  Whether walking Piper, my dearest cairn terrier, or pruning our garden my mind is constantly exploring storylines and characters. My thoughts often spin back to my childhood when my father, a...


Please help me congratulate Kate Schaeffer, winner of my Spring All Around Giveaway of a $100 gift card and Mona Lisa Smiles.  Many thanks to all who entered. I appreciate each and every one of...
Spring All Around

Spring All Around

I always get excited this time of year when I see spring blooms such as the chartreuse foliage unfurling from our ceanothus bush I was sure had died over the winter. Fortunately, I didn’t cut down its homely bare branches. I spotted yellow primroses in our front...
Green Giveaway

Green Giveaway

March makes me think of wearing green. Shamrocks, St. Paddy’s Day. Are you planning to wear green to avoid getting pinched? In Western Washington, AKA the Evergreen State, the color green abounds. As I walk the neighborhood, I can’t help noticing how many green...


Please help me congratulate Jennifer Cervantes, winner of my Early Spring Giveaway of a $100 gift card and Reinventing Ruthie.  Many thanks to all who entered. I appreciate each and every one of...
Early Spring Giveaway

Early Spring Giveaway

I’ve finally put away all my Christmas decorations and tidied up from Mardi Gras and Valentine’s Day.  An unintentional start to spring cleaning perhaps? My husband gave me a lovely card and a heart shaped Frans box filled with assorted chocolates to satisfy my sweet...