by KateLloyd | Apr 7, 2020 | creativity, giveaway
In spite of the fact that I’m housebound and my physical world is shrinking, my vocabulary is expanding. Just a few weeks ago I barely knew what Pandemic meant, nor did I realize what Social Distancing was. My whole way of thinking has turned topsy-turvy....
by KateLloyd | Jan 7, 2020 | creativity, giveaway, motivation
When you read the words New Year’s Resolution, do you feel a chill down your back, the way I do? I have always ignored New Year’s resolutions. In fact, I can’t recall ever making one. However, good friend and prolific writer, Kathleen Kohler creates...
by KateLloyd | Sep 6, 2016 | amish, creativity, giveaway
Recently, the oldie song “The Other Man’s Grass is Always Greener” has been weaving its way through my mind as I walk in the neighborhood. I can’t help noticing the many parched lawns and drooping bushes. Yet, some lawns are emerald green, an expensive...
by KateLloyd | Nov 10, 2015 | creativity, giveaway
After brushing my teeth and slipping into PJs, I love to bolster up pillows and snuggle into bed with a book. I notice what a good mood I’m in, even if the day hasn’t been all that great. But reading in bed is such a treat I can’t help smiling no...
by KateLloyd | May 29, 2013 | creativity, writing
Some days writing is the last thing I want to do. Whenever I’m in the mood to reorganize a closet or refold my husband’s T-shirts, I take it as a sign I’m supposed to be writing. Pretty crazy to avoid my passion, huh? Not that I don’t get great...
by KateLloyd | Apr 12, 2013 | amish, creativity, photography, photos
I ran across this photo and relived a glorious day in Lancaster County, PA. By the way: This farmer waved at me, but I waited until he turned and looked away to take pic. What are you up to this weekend? Tomorrow, I’m hoping to corral my husband into helping me...